Among thorns, flowers and palms: the harvest of the corozo flower and coyol in Izalco
Published 2019-12-30
- Holy Week Rites/Traditions – Izalco, El Salvador,
- Rituals and ceremonies– Izalco, El Salvador,
- Religious Festivities – Izalco, El Salvador,
- Ethnology - El Salvador
Copyright (c) 2019 Entorno
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
How to Cite
One of the objectives of this research is to be able to record and analyze a diversity of practices around the Hermandad de Jesús de Nazareno (the brotherhood of Jesus of Nazareth). One of the most relevant activities is the harvest of the corozo flower and the coyol, which in spite of being a practice with strong identity roots, is not very well known; it is part of an interweaving of symbols which gives the population a sense of belonging, and through this, the meanings vary depending on the individual perception of the devouts to Jesús Nazareno, thus generating in others a fusion of emotions and sociocultural behaviors in the municipality of Izalco.
Keywords: Holy Week Rites/Traditions – Izalco, El Salvador, Rituals and ceremonies– Izalco, El Salvador, Religious Festivities – Izalco, El Salvador, Ethnology - El Salvador.
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