Challenges and benefits of implementing liberating education in El Salvador
Published 2024-01-01
- Autonomy in education,
- Student ethics,
- Sociology of education,
- Students – Economic situation,
- Conscience (psychology)
- Autonomy (psychology) ...More
Copyright (c) 2024 Marlon ElÃas Lobos Rivera; Silvia Guadalupe MartÃnez Reyes; Judith Marlene RodrÃguez Vásquez

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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With time, education has had a different, trascending vision. It has somehow placed the systematic and critical vision of the dominating ideological reproduction. There hasn´t been a practical approach towards liberating education in El Salvador. Today, traditional education is still being practiced; it is focused on the acquisition of knowledge and the development of competencies oriented towards the needs of the job market. This is why the purpose of this essay is to discuss the challenges and benefits of implementing a liberating education within the Salvadorean educational context. Upon analyzing the theoretical models, positions and arguments of liberating education, it has been concluded that in order for liberating education to be implemented, there must be a greater commitment from the state as well as in all educational systems, both private and public, and at all levels. It shall be taken into consideration that the goal of liberating education is conducting praxis, reflecting, and acting within a context that allows for meaningful changes.
Key words: Autonomy in education, Student ethics, Sociology of education, Students – economic situation, Conscience (psychology), Autonomy (psychology)Â
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