Current IssueNo 16 (2024): Revista de Museología "Kóot" número especial
Published January 1, 2024
Issue Description
It is a pleasure to present edition No. 16 of the Kóot Museology Magazine, it is estimated to provide readers with different research through the following articles:
Socioemotional Skills Training in El Salvador’s Educational System; Ethnographic Approach to the Patron Feast of the Lord of Ostúa in Metapán; Origins and Foundations of the Civil Society; Northern Odyssey by Mario Bencastro - 25th Anniversary; The dance of Moors and Christians in honor of Saint Sebastian Martyr; Travel Chronicle: Conversations about the Rabinal Achí with Isabel Piux Ixmalej, Steward of the Festivity; A history against the grain. Commentary on the book: The events in El Mozote. A historical and anthropological review by Ramón Rivas (2019), San Salvador, Universidad Tecnológica de El ... More