Psychometric analysis of the unidimensional student Burnout scale in the salvadoran university educational context
Published 2024-01-01
- Psychometry,
- Psychodiagnosis,
- Performance anxiety,
- University students – Psychological test,
- Low academic performance
- University students – El Salvador – Economic conditions ...More
Copyright (c) 2024 Marlon Elías Lobos Rivera; Edgardo René Chacón Andrade; Angélica Nohemy Flores Monterrosa; Tania Flor Durán Hernández; Jennyfer Carolina Tejada Rodríguez; Natalie Gómez Gómez

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Student burnout is a phenomenon that is rarely addressed in El Salvador, mainly because there are no valid and reliable tools to measure this construct. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to verify the psychometric properties of the Unidimensional Student Burnout Scale in the educational context of Salvadoran universities. The study is instrumental with a cross-sectional design. Snowball sampling generated a sample of 278 university students. There was mostly female participation (61,9 %). The average age was 25 years. The data collection technique used was the digital survey. The results obtained through construct validity show that the instrument has a two-dimensional structure in the Salvadoran university context. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the scale has adequate criterion validity and reliability. It is concluded that the Unidimensional Student Burnout Scale has sufficient evidence of validity and reliability for implementation in Salvadoran university contexts.
Key words: Psychometry, Psychodiagnosis, Performance anxiety, University students – psychological test, Low academic performance, University students – El Salvador economic conditions
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