No. 74 (2022): Julio - diciembre

Work status of undergraduate students from Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador

Paola María Navarrete Gálvez
Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador, El salvador

Published 2022-12-20


  • Student employment,
  • Employment opportunities,
  • Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador – Estudiantes,
  • Employment - El Salvador,
  • Working market,
  • Unemployment
  • ...More

How to Cite

Navarrete Gálvez, P. M. (2022). Work status of undergraduate students from Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador. Entorno, 74, 23-32.


The objective of this study was to characterize the employment status of undergraduate students in order to determine if they are currently working, if they have gained work experience through work practices, or if they are interested in starting a venture or business. Quantitative and descriptive data was collected via online surveys. 568 undergraduate students with a completed study plan in 2021 comprised the total population sample, with a margin of error of 4% and a confidence level of 97%, all from Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador. Results showed that most of the undergrads are working, despite the fact that they had not yet graduated from the institution; for many this was not their first job. Most of those not currently working were actively looking for a job. This group also showed an interest in starting a venture or business, but they have not taken actions to implement it. Furthermore, not all of them had the opportunity to carry out work practices in their professional career.




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