No. 75 (2023): Enero - junio

Validity and reliability of the Resilience at University Scale in the Salvadoran context

Marlon Elías Lobos Rivera
Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador, El Salvador
Dennis Alonso Rivera Peña
Colegio Don Bosco - Centro Escolar Católico San Juan Bosco, El Salvador
Judith Marlene Rodríguez Vásquez
Ministerio de Educación, Especialización en Asistencia Técnica de Primera Infancia, El Salvador

Published 2023-01-01


  • Quality of education - El Salvador,
  • Academic performance,
  • Psychometry,
  • University students,
  • Learning aptitude

How to Cite

Lobos Rivera, M. E., Rivera Peña, D. A., & Rodríguez Vásquez, J. M. (2023). Validity and reliability of the Resilience at University Scale in the Salvadoran context. Entorno, 75, 32-39.


Academic performance constitutes an essential value that helps to measure quality in education, and it is linked to a series of factors which exert an influence in the learner, thus impacting either positively or negatively in the achievement of educational skills; however, in the Salvadoran context, there is no instrument to measure this variable. This study analyzes the psychometric properties of the Resilience at University Scale within the Salvadoran context. The study is instrumental with a retrospective design. A non-probabilistic snowball sampling was selected, surveying a total of 487 Salvadoran university students. The overall mean age of the sample was 21.84 with a standard deviation (SD) of 2.74. Based on gender, the mean age of women was 21.55 (SD = 2.62) and the mean age of men was 22.14 (SD = 2.84). Data collection was carried out via a digital survey through the Google Forms platform. The results indicate that the scale has adequate psychometric properties of validity and reliability to be used in the Salvadoran context; nevertheless, six items were excluded because they obtained lower than expected factor loads, therefore preserving the original structure, but with 14 items.




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