No. 68 (2019): Number 68 - Decemeber 2019

World View and identity at the cofradías (religious brotherhoods) of Izalco and their relation to the socioeconomic conditions of their participants

Georgina Sulamita Ordoñez-Valle
Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador

Published 2019-12-30


  • Cofradías (religious brotherhoods)– Izalco, El Salvador – socioeconomic aspects,
  • Cultural Identity – Izalco, El Salvador – socioeconomic aspects,
  • National cultures,
  • Cultural anthropology

How to Cite

Ordoñez-Valle, G. S. (2019). World View and identity at the cofradías (religious brotherhoods) of Izalco and their relation to the socioeconomic conditions of their participants. Entorno, 68, 111-119.


The aim of this investigation was to identify the existing relationship between the world view and identity of the cofradías (religious brotherhoods) in Izalco with the socioeconomic conditions of their participants. The qualitative method with an ethnographic approach was implemented; through this, an approach to the community permitted to learn about the predominating economic system at the cofradías, as well as the world view of the individuals who participate in them. The Feld findings showed evidence about the bond of the participants to the indigenous roots present in their cultural identity, which made the survival of the tradition of the cofradías, thus preserving the economic system based on the gift through which they ensure their survival.

Keywords: Cofradías (religious brotherhoods)– Izalco, El Salvador – socioeconomic aspects, Cultural Identity – Izalco, El Salvador – socioeconomic aspects, National cultures. Cultural, National cultures, Cultural anthropology.



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