The creation and validation of a scale to measure the quality of health services in El Salvador
Published 2019-12-30
- Health indicators – El Salvador – measurements,
- Health services – El Salvador – measurements,
- Medical centers – El Salvador – measurements
Copyright (c) 2019 Entorno
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The objective of this study is the creation and validation of a measuring scale for the quality of health services in El Salvador. It is an instrumental study with a retrospective design. The technique used for data collection was the survey. For this purpose, a non-probabilistic sample of 463 people from both sexes was taken. The average age of the sample population is 35.73 years old. The median for men was 34.73 years old, and for women 36.23 years old. In relation to sex, 297 (64,3 %) are women and 165 (35,7 %) men. The results show that the test has adequate content validity, construct validity and reliability.
Keywords: Health indicators – El Salvador – measurements. Health services – El Salvador – measurements. Medical centers – El Salvador – measurements.
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