No. 29 (2003): Número 29 - Diciembre 2003
Articulos Entorno

Reflexiones sobre la tristeza

Eduardo Badía Serra
Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador

Published 2015-11-05


  • Reflexiones,
  • Tristeza

How to Cite


Why write about sadness? Vain topic? Is it improper to strip the soul to read inside?
Only one, a single external expression is a faithful reflection of the soul, a manifestation of being, in which the most felt expressions of feeling are denoted.
It is sadness. It is not in the eyes, nor in the forehead, nor in the mouth, nor in the lips, but in the face as a whole. A unique expression, total, incalculable, which is capable, and no other, of denouncing and announcing man in his interior, because the sad man is a man who suffers, inevitably, he is the man who exists without being.
The sadness is not always, but when it is, it stays, arrives and becomes eternal, irreversible and progressively. It is a pain that cannot be cured, such as cancer or shame; it always remains, slow murderous, not at all pious, though subtle.