Psychometric adaptation of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) in a sample of Salvadorean adults
Published 2021-01-19
- Psychometry,
- Mental health,
- Salvadorean,
- GHQ-12
Copyright (c) 2021 Entorno
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The objective of this instrumental study, with a transversal design, is to adapt the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) in a sample of Salvadorean adults. For the study, a non-probabilistic intentional sampling was used. The sample included 419 Salvadoreans from both genders. The data collection technique used was the survey. The total median of age was 29.04, with a standard deviation (DS) of 8.10. In men, the total median of age was 29.98, with a SD of 8.13, and in women, 28.48 years of age, with a SD of 8.05. The results show that the GHQ- 12 has an adequate construct validity through a exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis (AFC), thus proving that the instrument can be applied in both a one-dimensional and a three dimensional manner. Both models showed similar results. The reliability through Cronbach´s Alfa is higher than .80, in the three dimensions and in the one-dimensional model. This indicates that the GHQ – 12 has adequate psychometric properties to evaluate the mental health in the Salvadorean context.
Keywords: Psychometry, Mental health, Salvadorean, GHQ-12
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