No. 70 (2020): Number 70 - December 2020

Report on the Israeli police role in times of COVID-19

Elías Soae-Freue
Entrenamiento ejecutivo para la prevención de violencia en las comunidades

Published 2020-12-15


  • COVID-19 - psychological aspects,
  • Transmissible diseases,
  • Violence - El Salvador - social aspects,
  • Citizen security - El Salvador,
  • Epidemics, Emotional problems,
  • Police officers,
  • Occupational health
  • ...More

How to Cite

Soae-Freue, E. (2020). Report on the Israeli police role in times of COVID-19. Entorno, 70, 8-21.


In a free world, Police represents the state agency held responsible for the integrity of people regardless of their environment. Their main role is to maintain public order, protect the life and property of citizens by fighting crime and enforcing laws and rules. The duties of law enforcement are mandated by law and supervised by different governmental agencies.
The Police represents the main tool that the state has at its disposal to ensure that laws are complied with and public order be maintained. Each officer is the main figure in charge of making legal mechanisms work in a timely manner.
Each officer´s decisions will be boldly made--even if this means taking personal risks—in order to protect the lives of others, their personal security, and their property.
This will be carried out with determination, courage and wisdom, always keeping in mind the working laws of the country.
Showing optimism and positivity is always relevant, even during hard times, all with the purpose of giving hope to people, which is necessary in order to be able to overcome any challenge, including those of still unseen and unknown enemies.

Keywords: COVID-19 - psychological aspects, Transmissible diseases, Violence - El Salvador - social aspects, Citizen security - El Salvador, Epidemics, Emotional problems, Police officers, Occupational health.



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