A theoretical approximation for the application of a mixed approach when conducting a research in the area of Nursing
Published 2020-06-01
- Mixed approach,
- Scientific Method,
- Nursing - Research,
- Qualitative research,
- Quantitative research
Copyright (c) 2020 Entorno
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The purpose of this article is to make a theoretical approximation on the mixed approach used when doing Nursing research in an illustrative manner, as a first contribution to the discussion of this topic. From a general point of view, there are four concepts which are strongly linked to the investigative work on Nursing: the individual, the environment, health, and care (Santos Heredero, RodrÃguez Arias, & RodrÃguez Ballestero, 2004). The purpose of a mixed approach is not that of replace any of the approaches that make it up, but, on the contrary, that of utilizing the strengths of both types of investigation, by combining them and trying to minimize their potential weaknesses (Lara Muñoz, 2011).
Nursing as a profession has been drafted with the capacity and responsibility to develop scientific research which product can then provide the capacity for solving urgent needs in the field of health; what has been already presented is a starting point for this discussion.
Keywords:Â Mixed approach, Scientific Method, Nursing - Research, Qualitative research, Quantitative research.
URI:Â http://hdl.handle.net/11298/1156
DOI:Â https://doi.org/10.5377/entorno.v0i69.9562
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