No. 68 (2019): Number 68 - Decemeber 2019

Vulnerable groups and the use of public space in historic downtown San Salvador. The case of Calle Arce

Melissa Regina Campos-Solórzano
Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador

Published 2019-12-30


  • Urban rehabilitation – Calle Arce – San Salvador, El Salvador,
  • Urbanism – Calle Arce – San Salvador, El Salvador,
  • Urban development – Calle Arce – San Salvador, El Salvador

How to Cite

Campos-Solórzano, M. R. (2019). Vulnerable groups and the use of public space in historic downtown San Salvador. The case of Calle Arce. Entorno, 68, 17-22.


This article summarizes the results of a qualitative research conducted on the use that people make of Calle Arce as part of the public space in the salvadorean capital city, especially by those ones who belong to vulnerable groups. The purpose is to synthesize the current situation by means of the analysis and conjunction of the gathered information, in the face of the recent projects, to physically intervene the city in order to contribute to the holistic understanding of the territory with the purpose of generating actions aimed at the re-appropriation of space in an integral manner. Field observations and interviews with people interested in collaborating were conducted. The final reflection is that Calle Arce, in spite of being a public space by definition, in practice—notwithstanding the municipal efforts-- is not an inclusive space because of the appropriation and constant struggle for space on that street.

Keywords: Urban rehabilitation - Calle Arce - San Salvador, El Salvador. Urbanism - Calle Arce - San Salvador, El Salvador. Urban development - Calle Arce - San Salvador, El Salvador.



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