No. 66 (2018): Number 66 - December 2018

Presence of gender matter in degree courses : the case of the Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Andrea Benavidez
Universidad Nacional de San Juan
Valeria Gili-Diez
Universidad Nacional de San Juan
Victoria Galoviche
Universidad Nacional de San Juan
Paula García-Mavrich
Universidad Nacional de San Juan
Mariana Guerra
Universidad Nacional de San Juan
Franco Barboza-Pirán
Universidad Nacional de San Juan
Ivana Soler
Universidad Nacional de San Juan
Hernán Videla
Universidad Nacional de San Juan
Gabriela Bazán
Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Published 2018-12-01


  • Advanced teaching,
  • Stereotype (Psychology),
  • Sociology of education,
  • Higher education,
  • Curricular development

How to Cite

Benavidez, A., Gili-Diez, V., Galoviche, V., García-Mavrich, P., Guerra, M., Barboza-Pirán, F., Soler, I., Videla, H., & Bazán, G. (2018). Presence of gender matter in degree courses : the case of the Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Entorno, 66, 102-112.


The present work aims to account for the analysis conducted on the presence of gender matter in the different careers and courses of the Universidad Nacional de San Juan(UNSJ), (National University of San Juan), Argentina, in the period 2017-2018. An investigation on the motivators for gender topics was approached, its relation with the course matter and what students recall of it. This data collection represents an input that allows to define the nature of this issue, and to reflect on the role of higher education and the treatment of gender issued in the classrooms. The investigation arose from the social meaningfulness that the public agenda imposes on the approach of gender issues in all the scopes. The qualitative methodology is mostly applied; data has been obtained by means of semi-structured interviews of professors at Universidad Nacional de San Juan (San Juan National University) who teach gender contents in their courses.

In this case, considering the emergent appearance of academic productions dealing with relationship between higher education and gender, in this university, the incursion in this Feld constituted a real challenge. Among the findings, consideration is given to the transforming role that defines the public university in the XXIs receives some consideration. In like manner, a critical approach is directed towards the traditional factors that have configured the patriarchal matrixes culturally manifested as the method to produce and reproduce knowledge. It contributes, from the investigative work, a fertile atmosphere to ponder about feminist theory with transversal approach.


Keywords: Advanced teaching; Stereotype (Psychology); Sociology of education; Higher education; Curricular development.


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