Published 2024-07-01
- Languages teaching,
- Translation and interpretation,
- Collaborative approach
Copyright (c) 2024 Roberto Vladimir Carbajal

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This essay focuses on the work of translation and interpretation linked to the teaching methods developed at the higher education level and proposes the collaborative approach which is based on social interaction where there is a space for exploration that leads a group either individually or collectively to a common learning objective where each one contributes and enriches such learning. The teaching-learning process is structured by the teacher but the main responsibility for learning lies with the student.Â
This article proposes a collaborative approach where participants seek to improve their learning through joint work, which stimulates critical thinking, self-esteem and responsibility. A historical review of the different language teaching-learning methods and their influence on translation and interpreting is also presented. The work of interpretation and translation involves not only the mastery of the target language but also the integration of a series of techniques and strategies that contribute to a better performance of the translator and interpreter, which means that the acquisition of these and especially the collaborative approach improves the above mentioned performance.Â
Keywords: Languages teaching, translation and interpretation, collaborative approachÂ
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