Determinants in the sales of popular economic units, first quarter 2022, Province of El Oro, Machala City
Published 2023-01-01
- Community development - Oro Province - Machala - Quito - Ecuador - Economic aspects,
- Community development - Oro Province - Machala - Quito - Ecuador - commerce,
- Purchasing power,
- Exchange relationship,
- Financial incentives
Copyright (c) 2023 Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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The popular economic units (UEP, given its Spanish acronym) play a relevant role in economic growth due to the commercial and production dynamics within the province of El Oro. The research objective is to analyze the determinants that influenced the variation in sales of the popular economic units of the stores located at the Mercado Sur of cantón Machala, during the first quarter of 2022. This is a seminal topic for the preparation of proposals that allow the UPEs to obtain an increase in their level of sales and boost their trade and productivity. A nonexperimental descriptive methodology under the approach of econometric methods was used, allowing thus to conclude that the investment in advertising, years of establishment in the market and the educational programs linked to the financial area affect the sales of the UPEs.
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