Published 2021-12-20
- Posmodernity – Latin America,
- Culture – Latin America,
- Theory of knowledge,
- Capitalism – Latin America,
- Sociology – Latin America
Copyright (c) 2021 Entorno
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This article resumes the converging criteria which debate the epistomological configuration of posmodernity in Latin America. In doing so, the postulates of George Yúdice, Raúl Bueno and Beatriz Sarlo have been primarily considered. These coincide in formulating and demonstrating that each attempt to syncretize that what is being developed in this movement is inadequate. Given this, it will be relevant to consider this paradigm from the viewpoints of philology, ethnography, culture and society, since many of its components will have a capitalist support, which will then be revealed in detail throughout the development of this study.
Keywords: Posmodernity – Latin America, Culture – Latin America, Theory of knowledge, Capitalism – Latin America, Sociology – Latin America
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- Yúdice, G. (1989). ¿Puede hablarse de posmodernidad en América Latina?. Revista de CrÃtica Literaria Latinoamericana, 15(29), 105-128.