The effect of cognitive load theory on the learning of basic programming
Published 2019-07-25
- Programming languages (electronic computers),
- Computer engineering,
- Database management,
- Data compression (computers)
Copyright (c) 2019 Entorno
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The learning of Programming is a difficult topic for university students who begin studies related to the computer sciences. This learning requires developing problem-solving skills through basic structures to design algorithms and programs. At the same time, students must learn the syntax of a programming language, an integrated development environment (IDE), and develop correct mental models. The combination of these requirements often lead to cognitive overload in the student. Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) proposes learning mechanisms to help reduce this overload. One is the “effect of the problem to be completed.” The objective of this study was to measure one of the effects predicted by CLT. Based on this, teaching materials were designed and used in a controlled quasiexperiment (applied during the second semester of 2017) with two groups of first semester students enrolled in the Computer Systems Engineering from the Universidad de Aguas Calientes (UAA, given its Spanish acronym). The pilot group (n = 42) used the teaching material designed with CBT, and the control group (n = 47) used traditional teaching material. The mean difference test showed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.002) between the final performance of both groups. The study concludes that the exercises to be completed had a positive effect on the learning process of the students in the experimental group, allowing for a better acquisition of programming schemes in the form of programming plans. Therefore, subsequent random replicates will allow to verify or discard the effect found.
Keywords: Programming languages (electronic computers), Computer engineering, Database management, Data compression (computers).
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