No. 67 (2019): Enero - junio

Visual cultural elements that generate identity in the city of Santa Ana

Leida Guadalupe Monterroza-Matute
Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana
David Alberto Núñez-Hernández
Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana
Claudia María Estrada-De León
Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana
Jaime Josué Martínez
Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana
Mauricio Alberto Chávez-Núñez
Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana

Published 2025-01-27

How to Cite

Monterroza-Matute, L. G., Núñez-Hernández, D. A., Estrada-De León, C. M., Martínez, J. J., & Chávez-Núñez, M. A. (2025). Visual cultural elements that generate identity in the city of Santa Ana. Entorno, 67, 136-141.


This quantitative research describes the visual elements that generate cultural identity in the city of Santa Ana. The research was conducted in the urban area of the municipality during 2017, using a sample of 734 people. Information concerning elements such as monuments, buildings, parks and tourist sites was identifed; those with greater representation were analyzed taking into consideration the sociodemographic factors of respondents to determine whether they affect the perception regarding such elements. The opinion from the people of Santa Ana in relation to the work performed by institutions responsible for the promotion and preservation of culture was also reflected. The results show that the most representative monument is the historic cannon; the building that most identifes Santa Ana is the cathedral; the most characteristic park is the Parque Libertad, and the most representative tourist spot is Sihuatehuacán. Respondents stated that Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana is the higher education institution that ensures the strengthening and promotion of culture, and the Centro de Artes de Occidente is the one that makes efforts for the conservation of art and culture. This research states that the cathedral is—among all monuments and places—the most representative cultural element for the people of Santa Ana, and asserts the need to improve the communication process aimed at highlighting the cultural beauty of the city of Santa Ana, both nationally and outside borders.


Keywords: Cultural identity - Santa Ana, El Salvador; Cultural property - Santa Ana, El Salvador; Cultural heritage - Santa Ana, El Salvador; Historical heritage preservation - Santa Ana, El Salvador.


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