No. 67 (2019): Enero - junio

Instruments to generate sustainable income in marginalized and isolated rural communities

Susana Herrero-Olarte
Universidad de Las Américas

Published 2019-07-25


  • Economic development,
  • Poverty - Social aspects,
  • Lowincome families,
  • Economic policy

How to Cite

Herrero-Olarte, S. (2019). Instruments to generate sustainable income in marginalized and isolated rural communities. Entorno, 67, 48-60.


In marginalized and isolated communities (MIC), the main concern is poverty which is perpetuated generation after generation. It is an issue that has been poorly addressed due to the lack of instruments that may have proven in practice to generate sustainable income. A comparative analysis of four projects developed in MICs in Ecuador, Mexico, Vietnam and Niger with the purpose of generating sustainable income using different strategies is being conducted. Local marketing of agricultural production not aimed for personal consumption, using the largest number of sales channels, is the best strategy in terms of participation, ownership, impact and sustainability.


Keywords: Economic development, Poverty - Social aspects, Lowincome families, Economic policy.


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