Published 2018-12-01
- University careers,
- Estereotypes,
- Higher education,
- Professional orientation,
- Students counseling
Copyright (c) 2018 Nancy Guillermina Veramendi-Villavicencios; Clorinda Natividad Barrionuevo-Torres; Ewer Portocarrero-Merino; Laura Carmen Barrionuevo-Torres; Amancio Ricardo Rojas-Cotrina; Ciro Ángel Lazo-Salcedo; Erasmo Santillán-Oliva

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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The objective was to determine the selection of university careers with a gender perspective. To do this, a simple descriptive study was carried out with 297 students from the Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (Hermilio Valdizán National University) of Huanaco, Peru, during the 2017 period. The data was obtained through a questionnaire related to the professional careers according to gender. For the inferential analysis, T student and Chi square goodness-of-fit test were used. The results obtained from the research show that there are differences in half of the professional careers based on the gender, such as, Agricultural sciences, Psychology, Nursing, Obstetrics, Educational sciences, Civil Engineering, Architecture and industrial and systems engineering. There are also differences regarding the reasons for choosing a professional career based on gender, since the personals are dominated by the female gender and the social and material by the male gender. And dominated the professions marked by gender, males (Civil Engineering and Architecture), females (Obstetrics) and blended (Social and Economic Sciences). These were significant results, statistically speaking (p ≤ 0,05), and also supported by several studies. Among the conclusions of this research, it has been determined that there are gender stereotypes still found in regards with the election of professional careers.
Keywords: University careers; Estereotypes; Higher education; Professional orientation; Students counseling.
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