No. 78 (2024): julio - diciembre

The internationalization of Salvadoran universities, importance, opportunities and implications of not internationalizing

Fidel Arturo López Eguizábal
Universidad Francisco Gavidia, El Salvador
Ana Gabriela Herrera Echeverría
Universidad Francisco Gavidia, El Salvador
Alex Omar Cruz Reyes
Universidad Francisco Gavidia, El Salvador

Published 2024-07-01


  • Universities- El Salvador,
  • Agreements,
  • Globalization,
  • Quality in education,
  • Competencies in education,
  • Strategic alliances (Education),
  • Higher education
  • ...More

How to Cite

López Eguizábal, F. A., Herrera Echeverría, A. G., & Cruz Reyes, A. O. (2024). The internationalization of Salvadoran universities, importance, opportunities and implications of not internationalizing. Entorno, 78, 42-59.


This study focuses on the relevance universities acquire when student exchange programs, study abroad programs, and learning abroad experiences for students, faculty and researchers are carried out. In addition to these, it also focuses on the academic opportunities that open up, for both the university and their staff, and to promote the generation of scientific, technological, sociocultural, and innovative knowledge in all the departments of the University. The importance of internationalizing universities was identified, specifically that of Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG, given its Spanish acronym), Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas” (UCA, Spanish acronym) and Universidad de El Salvador (UES, Spanish acronym), where those in charge of the internationalization processes were interviewed. This qualitative-quantitative research was conducted using bibliographical references on the work carried out by some Salvadoran and foreign universities on internationalization: its importance, opportunities and challenges. In addition, an online survey was administered to a random sample of 165 full-time professors, associate professors, students, professionals, and high school graduates. The survey confrmed the relevance of recognition; the cornerstone for a career and a university degree is to have more international prestige. Important aspects and benefts that a university has when internationalizing were asked, such as do you know what the internationalization of universities refers to? What are the most important benefts of the internationalization of the university where you study or studied? What are the disadvantages of a university when it does not internationalize? Based on the results of this research, it has been concluded that universities must have an International Relations Office; a reengineering must be carried out where new opportunities with other countries, regions and universities should be sought after with the purpose of increasing prestige and quality in the teaching-learning process. The Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, MINEDUCYT, given its Spanish acronym) proposed a Model for the Internationalization of Higher Education in El Salvador, being this an important constituent in the strategic plans of the universities.

Keywords: Universities, El Salvador, Agreements, Globalization, Quality in education. Competencies in education, Strategic alliances (Education), Higher education




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