An IoT prototype for the calculation of terjung’s comfort index in El Salvador
Published 2024-01-01
- Climatology (artificial intelligence),
- Adaptation of technology,
- El Salvador – Weather,
- Effects of temperature,
- Humankind – influence in the environment
- 4.0 industry,
- IoT device,
- Comfort index,
- Climate change ...More
Copyright (c) 2023 Edwin Alberto Callejas; Juan José Amides Figueroa; Victor Miguel Cuchillac Callejas

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Among the technologies offered by the 4.0 industry 4.0, is the Internet of Things (IoT). This allows for the development of devices that offer data collection features of the environment; through their monitoring and control, these help reduce the effects of climate change. The importance of monitoring humidity and ambient temperature and its impact on human activities is of big relevance in relation to the effects of climate change on health, food security and the economic development of the Salvadoran population. Given this, an adaptation of the equation that relates temperature and humidity has been developed in order to calculate the thermal sensation and categorize its value with the comfort index developed by Terjung by using the data that comes from an IoT device. This device is connected through an API that has been previously configured to record the values obtained in a Big Data infrastructure and then apply artificial intelligence algorithms to predict and segment the thermal comfort information in El Salvador.
Key words: Climatology (artificial intelligence), Adaptation of technology, El Salvador – Weather, Effects of temperature, Humankind – influence in the environment 4.0 industry, IoT device, Comfort index, Climate change.
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