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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

entorno journal- Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador (Utec)
ISSN (Print Version) 2071-8748 and ISSN (On line Version) 2218-3345

The articles must be sent in word format to


The journal entorno is assigned to the use of the creative commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Equal (CC BY-NC-SA), in order to collaborate in the production of scientific research.

The articles that are sent must be original and unpublished, so they should not be published totally or partially in other publications prior to the publication of the same in this journal. The presentation and publication at a later date will be possible with prior authorization of the editor and the author of the article.
The articles must have a scientific character, that is, emanate from a research process in the areas of knowledge of Social Sciences. Humanities, Economics, Commerce and Administration, Law, Technology, Education, Architecture and Design.
The reception of the works does not imply obligation to publish it, nor commitment with respect to the date of its appearance.
The opinion expressed by the authors is their exclusive responsibility.
Submission articles

The collaborations should be sent in Word format to
Tables and images that are used in the article must also be sent in a separate folder for handling at the time of design.
Each article must contain:

  • Title (in spanish and english)
  • Name of the author with his institutional affiliation and email.
  • Summary of the content (maximum 120 words, in spanish and english)
  • Keywords (minimum of 3 words and maximum 5, in spanish and english)
  • Introduction (maximum 3 sections)
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusions or discussion
  • References (only those cited in the text and under the APA Standard (sixth edition)).

General criteria for the acceptance of articles

The Editorial Committee invites the academic community and external public national and international, to participate with their contributions, as authors of original articles of the journal.
The articles they receive must be original and unpublished, so they must not be published in whole or in part in other publications prior to the publication of the same in this journal. The presentation and publication at a later date will be possible with prior authorization of the editor and the author of the article.
The reception of the works does not imply obligation to publish it, nor commitment with respect to the date of its appearance. The opinion expressed by the authors is their exclusive responsibility.

Text structure

  • Language: Each article is written in Spanish. In addition, this is supported with the summaries and keywords of the English language.
  • Extension and presentation: The complete article will not exceed 4,500 words, written in space and a half, with indentation of five spaces, without additional spaces between paragraphs and between titles, in "Times New Roman" type and size ten; with right, left, superior and inferior margins of three centimeters.
  • Title and authors: It is recommended to think about titles that are fully related to the subject, limited to 15 words maximum. The content must be described in a specific, clear and concise way, avoid overly general titles. Under the title the name and surname of each author will be noted. The footnote will indicate the institution of origin, academic titles and current position.
  • Abstract and keywords: Each article will be accompanied by a summary in Spanish and one in English, no more than 120 words; for the case of research derived articles, the abstract must clearly indicate: 1. Study objectives. 2. Place and date of completion. 3. Method. 4. Main results with statistical interpretation and 5. Discussion or conclusions. For articles other than research, the summary should contain information related to the objectives, the methodology on which it is based, synthesis of the main thesis, academic interpretation, results and conclusions. It will not include any information or conclusion that does not appear in the text. The summary should allow readers to know the content of the article and decide if they are interested in reading the full text. In fact, it is the only part of the article that is included, in addition to the title, in the systems of dissemination of bibliographic information.
  • Body of the article: The works that expose investigations or studies in general. They are divided into the following sections, corresponding to IMRYD format: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion. The updating, reflection and bibliographical revision works usually require other titles and subtitles according to the content.
  • References: It should reflect the complete source (authors, year, title, edition, publisher, country, etc.) It is recommended to use sources with ISSN and ISBN. It is suggested to consult APA standards 6th edition, for the appointment of monographs, journals, documents, among others. For the realization of references, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, APA 6th ed., At the following address: will include the cited sources, the annotations or links in the text will be made using the form "surname, year" in parentheses, example: (López, 2013) and the quotations will be put in quotes. References should appear at the end of the text, organized alphabetically from the first input element, as specified by the bibliographic style of the American Psychological Association (APA), in its 6th ed. It is recommended the use of bibliographic managers (Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote, among others) to facilitate the work with the reference bibliography.
  • Below are examples for making citations and references of some types of documents:
    Scientific article: (Costa & Leite, 2016)

Costa, M. P. da, & Leite, F. C. L. (2016). Open access in the world and Latin America: a review since the Budapest Open Access Initiative. TransInformação. Retrieved from

Book: (Das, 20015)

Das, A. K. (2015). Scholarly communication. Paris: UNESCO. Retrieved from

Book chapter: (Alperin & Fischman, 2015)

Alperin, J. P., & Fischman, G. (2015). Revistas científicas hechas en Latinoamérica. En J. P. Alperin & G. Fischman (Eds.), Hecho en Latinoamérica: acceso abierto, revistas académicas e innovaciones regionales. Retrieved from

Event: (Civallero, 2006)

Civallero, E. (2006). Open Access: experiencias latinoamericanas. En II Congreso Internacional de Bibliotecología e Información CIBI2006. Lima: Colegio de Bibliotecólogos del Perú. Retrieved from


Requirement of originality:

The articles that are sent must be original and unpublished, so they must not be published totally or partially in other publications in the period prior to its publication in this journal. Submission and publication at a later date will be possible with the prior authorization of the editor and author of the article.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The article must have clarity, solidity and sufficient bibliographic support.
  • Send attached or at the end of the article, a summary of the academic or scientific life of the author or authors (no more than one paragraph of 12 lines maximum).
  • The tables should be constructed with the APA format. If they are taken from a text or website, a note of their origin must be placed in all cases and the file must be sent separately. Without words in another language or Latin, they must be in italics.
  • Tables and images that are used in the article must also be sent in a separate folder for handling at the time of design.
  • Neither the Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador nor the Editorial Committee are committed to the judgments issued by the authors of the articles. Each writer takes responsibility for their views and opinions.
  • The text should contain the references or citations according to APA standards. The references will be included at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by author and if it is an official document by the name of the institution or Law.
  • The collaborations should be sent in Word format to
  • Each article must contain: Title (In Spanish and English) Name of the author with his institutional affiliation and email. Summary of the content (Maximum 120 words, in Spanish and English) Keywords (Minimum of 3 words and maximum 5, in Spanish and English) Introduction (Maximum 3 sections) Method Results Conclusions or Discussion. References (Only those cited in the text and under the APA Standard - Sixth Edition).
  • The Editorial Committee reserves the right to review each article of the journal, and send it to arbitrators, to guarantee its quality and, if appropriate, suggest modifications. You can also reject those that do not meet the required conditions.
  • In the case of using images (graphics, photographs and illustrations) they must be original, to obtain quality when printing.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.